Being a small or medium business owner is tough – there’s so much to understand, know and do. Your main focus is always making money to keep the doors open to support your family and your staff members.
Many small and medium business owners struggle when it comes to eliminating the 7 Dark Sides of Work, in particular bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, mental health and office politics.
Often this means these issues are dealt with reactively, rather than proactively. I can help change this for employers.
Small and medium businesses may not need all the bells and whistles of NEON Solutions – they just need the essentials.
This Small-Medium Business Kit provides templates and training to help business owners manage the risks, meet your obligations, protect your organisation and your workers from the 7 Dark Sides of Work.
What's in the Kit?
Eliminate Sexual Harassment training
Training for your staff based on their role in the organisation. This includes:
- Eliminate Sexual Harassment at Work - training for Employers and Managers
- Eliminate Sexual Harassment at Work - training for Workers
Business fundamentals templates
Work health and safety templates to help you get started and meet your obligations including:
- Code of Ethics and Conduct - in this section you'll also find a Values workshop. This will help develop your Company Values if you don't yet have them, for inclusion in this policy
- Zero Tolerance Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment policy
- Grievance policy and procedure - in this section you'll also find a document on how to resolve a complaint in 30 days
Mental Health policy and procedure
Optional monthly consulting
You also have the option to add monthly consulting support to help implement your kit, provide Mental Health First Aid support to your team or discuss any workplace issues or concerns you have.
Contact [email protected] to arrange a tailored quote for your team or organisation
Find out more about the programs inclusions below. Contact [email protected] to arrange a customised quote
Hi, I’m Nicole
I have over 18 years experience in communications with 10 years in the work health and safety industry. I’ve worked for both NSW safety regulators, the workers compensation insurer and the workers compensation independent review office.
I’ve seen the damage poor communication and sweeping problems under the rug can do. I have also witnessed and experienced bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, poor leadership and mental health stigma – some at the hands of agencies meant to regulate these issues.
I’m on a mission to bring light to these issues to improve psychological safety, mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.