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Eliminate Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment training
Module 1 - Welcome and introduction
Welcome and introduction
Before you begin
Help and FAQs
About Nicole and Neon Shed
Module 2 - What is bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment?
What is bullying - and what it isn't
What are the different forms of discrimination
What is harassment, including sexual harassment
Module 3 - The Legislation
Bullying laws, support and codes
Discrimination protections
Sexual harassment laws
Module 4 - Roles and responsibilities
Your role as a staff member, worker or contractor
The role of management and the employer
Health and Safety Representatives
Module 5 - From bystander to confident ally
How to take action as a witness
Module 6 - How targets can take action
What are your options?
Protecting yourself
Reporting and recording
Module 7 - Leadership Toolkit
The statistics
Risks, impacts and consequences
Understanding why it happens
The fundamentals
Understanding behaviours
Dealing with conflict and difficult discussions
Managing complaints
How to repair the harm
Module 8 - Wrap up, self care and support
What's next?
Where to go for help
Self care
Teach online with
Risks, impacts and consequences
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