Jess' story

The future of work

Jess Price is designing the future of work.

After sustaining a work-related mental injury and learning about the impact of psychosocial hazards, Jess embarked on a career change and is now dedicated to changing how we think about work.

Driven by core values of creativity, curiosity, and fairness, Jess navigates the modern work environment through these guiding principles. Her commitment to creativity and curiosity provides Jess with a unique perspective of the world, allowing her to find connections between seemingly random ideas. This commitment has positioned Jess at the forefront of innovative solutions, methodologies, and trends that challenge the status quo. 

As we ask key questions about technological advancements, shifting paradigms, and the blurring boundaries of traditional 9-to-5 roles, Jess challenges us all to think differently about work. Her advocacy for fairness ensures the future is not just technologically advanced but also inclusively shaped, offering equal opportunities to all.

Jess regularly shares her insights through written pieces, workshops and speaking engagements, challenging others to think differently about the world around us and the things we never think to question. 

Her collaborative approach to work has resulted in an extensive network of experts across diverse fields, whom Jess regularly consults and partners to design and implement new ways of working. 

Today, Jess invites you to join her on her mission to design a future of work where:

  • psychosocial hazards are proactively identified (or eliminated entirely);
  • individuals feel safe bringing their full selves to work; and
  • wellbeing and inclusion are embedded at the core of all organisations.

Connect with Jess

You can find out more about Jess and stay connected with her through:

You can also hear Jess' story on the Under the Rug at Work podcast, available on Apple Podcasts, YouTube and Spotify.

Bonus Resources

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink.

Jess shares her Empathy Map template discussed in her keynote below.

Empathy Map Template.pdf
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